Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cloudless Sky

Here's another post in the blog that so far has been about learning poetry forms.  Cloudless Sky  still doesn't meet the criteria for a Shakespearean sonnet.  I'll edit it when I figure out how to make the necessary changes:


If given the choice of a cloudless sky
or a rainy day and some time alone,
I’d be tempted to stay home, maybe cry
for time I’ve wasted, for things I have done.
Regrets abound. I tally rejections
until I’m awash in melancholy,
calling up times of painful desertions--
focusing all my attentions on me.
Clouds roll away and introspection flees.
Old sorrows disappear and losses fade
in the distance. New possibilities
lift my eyes and I recall when I prayed.     
      I see the depth of the pain in my past
      means sweeter peace when the Son shines at last.


  1. Hey, you now have a following!!! Love reading your stuff!

  2. Yes....have you heard "Blessings" by Laura Story? It's a song and on You Tube.
